Buddhism & the Environment: Show Loving-Kindness to All

Taking care of the earth and all its living creatures is an essential part of Buddhist practice.  Within the vast array of Buddhist teachings, 3 relate directly to the exercise of taking care of our sacred planet.  The first of these is what is referred to as ‘interdependent origination’ in which Buddhists believe that nothing on this earth has independent existence.  All of earth’s creatures can be thought of as a thread on the same great tapestry of the universe and therefore intrinsically linked together.   Our interactions keep the tapestry in a constant state of flux.  So in essence whatever conditions happen to one, happen to all.

The second teaching is the First Precept, or ‘do not kill.’   This entails that we must not directly harm another living creature nor allow others to kill for us.  This has enormous implications, as believers must make sure that every product they buy is produced or obtained without destruction of the environment.  Obviously keeping track of everything would be an arduous task for any individual, so one must at least be mindful and not blatantly disregard the origins of purchases.

The last teaching is called ‘metta’ or showing loving-kindness towards every being.  This means that we must show kindness even towards things we do not like or find trivial.  As the metta sutta put it,

“As a mother would risk her life
to protect her child, her only child,
even so should one cultivate a limitless heart
with regard to all beings.”

22″ Garden Lava Stone Buddha Statue in Wai Position by Lotus Sculpture $690

We should all put forth a better effort to be more mindful of our environments in order to help take care of our sacred earth.   Even adopting simple practices such as recycling, planting a small vegetable patch, or riding a bike every once and a while instead of driving can make a big impact.  And don’t forget to enjoy your environment.  Keep your yard healthy and thriving while enjoying its beauty and tranquility.

The Best Testimonial about a Buddha Statue

“We are so grateful to Lotus Sculpture for providing beautiful, spiritual works of art that truly enhance not only the environment of personal space…but, also, the environment of the soul.”
~Lisa and Gregory~

We are happy to shareWooden Buddha statue an email from customers about a Buddha statue they received from Lotus Sculpture:

“Hi Kyle:

I want you to know just how very much Lisa and I absolutely love our new Buddha statue! The warm color and texture of the wonderfully-carved, large wooden form…the richness of the contrasting gold leaf accenting the intricate, flowing lines of the Buddha’s robe…

This beautiful statue now has pride of place in our living room. And while it is certainly an impressive piece of art, it is also an object that contributes to the peaceful serenity of our home’s primary living space. (Lisa has commented on several occasions since the Buddha’s arrival that I seem “a bit more calm than usual.” Nice.)

We were thrilled when the box from Lotus Sculpture arrived. (We had been tracking the Buddha’s journey across the country using the UPS link you so thoughtfully provided in your email order confirmation.)

As an art educator, Lisa has certainly seen her share of “un-crate-ings” at numerous museums and galleries – and even she was very impressed with the quality of packing and the obvious care with which the Buddha was shipped.

When the Buddha was revealed, after we carefully removed the top layer of packing, one could actually hear our unison, audible gasp. As excellent as your online photos are, they simply can’t do justice to the beauty of the three-dimensional piece in person.

We are thrilled with our purchase. Having this work of art in our care is a joy. And, equally so, has been the experience of, once again, dealing with Lotus Sculpture.

Kyle, your love and passion for these wonderful pieces of art…your commitment to ethical, dignified business practices…and a customer service and in-process communication flow that is second-to-none…wow!

In a phrase: We are so grateful to Lotus Sculpture for providing beautiful, spiritual works of art that truly enhance not only the environment of personal space…but, also, the environment of the soul.

Thanks and blessings,
-Lisa and Gregory

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