5 Shiva Mantras, Chants, Shivarathri Hymn, Shiva Worship

Maha Shivarathri is the most auspicious of festivals dedicated to the Hindu God Shiva.  Here are 5 Shiva Mantras to help you celebrate Lord Shiva!  It is believed that on this day Lord Shiva appeared to the world in the form of a pillar of light, or Jyotirlinga. Lord Shiva, the primordial teacher, is believed to be easily pleased; thus, any worship offered to him – regardless of its simplicity or grandeur – is thought to bring about great merit. All across India, and in many Hindu communities around the world, nightlong vigils are observed in honor of Lord Shiva. Devotees offer abhisheka, or a ritual bath, to bronze and stone sculptures of Lord Shiva in his many forms. Among the most popular of the forms that receive worship on this day are the Shiva Linga, Lord Dakshinamurthy, Lord Bhairava, and Lord Somaskanda.

Since Shiva is easily pleased, offering milk, water, leaves, flowers, clothes, fruits, or even an oil lamp is commendable. Simply meditating upon the form of Shiva with a pure mind and utmost devotion is considered the highest form of worship. The sage Adi Shankara wrote Shiva Manasa Puja as an affirmation of this notion. In this beautifully composed hymn, Shankara performs the Puja of Lord Shiva with vivid and devout imagination. Reciting this hymn on the night of Maha Shivarathri is the best way to begin or end the night’s festivities!


“Ratnaiḥ kalpitamāsanaṃ himajalaiḥ snānaṃ ca divyāmbaraṃ
nānāratna vibhūṣitaṃ mṛgamadā modāṅkitaṃ candanam
jātī campaka bilvapatra racitaṃ puṣpaṃ ca dhūpaṃ tathā
dīpaṃ deva dayānidhe paśupate hṛtkalpitaṃ gṛhyatām”

Oh ocean of compassion! Oh lord of those bound by the noose!
I imagine a throne made of precious gemstones to seat you, cool water trickling from the Himalayas to bathe you, divine clothed embroidered with various jewels to adorn you, flowers composed of jasmine, champak, and Bilva leaves, divine incense, and a bright oil lamp.
Oh Lord, please accept these offerings which I imagine in my heart for you!


“Sauvarṇe navaratnakhaṇḍa racite pātre ghṛtaṃ pāyasaṃ
bhakṣyaṃ pañcavidhaṃ payodadhiyutaṃ rambhāphalaṃ pānakam
śākānāmayutaṃ jalaṃ rucikaraṃ karpūra khaṇḍojjcalaṃ
tāmbūlaṃ manasā mayā viracitaṃ bhaktyā prabho svīkuru

Meaning: Rice pudding and ghee in a golden bowl studded with the nine precious gems, five dishes prepared with milk and curd, plantains, juice, tasty water infused with herbs, and the aromatic betel leaf. These I have prepared in my mind with utmost devotion. Please accept them oh Lord!


“Chatraṃ cāmarayoryugaṃ vyajanakaṃ cādarśakaṃ nirmalaṃ
vīṇā bheri mṛdaṅga kāhalakalā gītaṃ ca nṛtyaṃ tathā
sāṣṭāṅgaṃ praṇatiḥ stuti-rbahuvidhā-hyetat-samastaṃ mayā
saṅkalpena samarpitaṃ tava vibho pūjāṃ gṛhāṇa prabho

Meaning: I offer a splendid umbrella to shade you, fly whisks and a fan to cool you, a spotless mirror to see you, music from the vīṇā, bheri, and mṛdaṅga to please you, sweet songs and dances to entertain you, a full prostration to respect you, and abundant forms of hyms to praise you. Please accept my puja oh Lord!

Worship of Shiva Linga


ātmā tvaṃ girijā matiḥ sahacarāḥ prāṇāḥ śarīraṃ gṛhaṃ
pūjā te viṣayopabhoga-racanā nidrā samādhisthitiḥ
sañcāraḥ padayoḥ pradakṣiṇavidhiḥ stotrāṇi sarvā giro
yadyatkarma karomi tattadakhilaṃ śambho tavārādhanam”

Meaning: You are my soul, Parvathi is my intellect, your attendants are my five vital breaths, my body is your abode. My involvement in the world is nothing but worship unto you. My roaming feet are constantly in the divine act of walking around you, all my speech is in praise to you. All the work I do is a form of worship to you, oh Lord!


kara caraṇa kṛtaṃ vākkāyajaṃ karmajaṃ vā
śravaṇa nayanajaṃ vā mānasaṃ vāparādham
vihitamavihitaṃ vā sarvametat-kṣamasva
jaya jaya karuṇābdhe śrī mahādeva śambho

Meaning: Whatever may be the sins I have committed with my hands and feet, those sins born of my hands and body, or the sins arising from my work. Whatever may be the sins born of my ears and eyes, or of my mind, or those sins arising from my doing what has been prescribed and not prescribed. Please forgive all of these sins, oh Lord. Victory unto you, oh ocean of compassion, the greatest and most auspicious of gods!

View All Our Mantras to Hindu Gods
including English and Sanskrit translations

10 Kali Mantras15 Saraswati Mantras4 Ganesha Mantras
6 Murugan Mantras8 Krishna Mantras7 Hanuman Mantras
3 Lakshmi Mantras8 Vishnu Mantras5 Shiva Mantras

15 Saraswati Mantras for Appeasing Hindu Goddess of Wisdom

The Hindu Goddess Saraswati is known as the mother of Vedas and the synonym of knowledge, music, craft, wisdom, arts, and auspiciousness. It is believed that appeasing Goddess Saraswati will remove all the obstacles that one will encounter during his or her career or education. Saraswati is known by different names, such as Vak Devi, the goddess of speech, and Sakala Kaladhistatri, goddess bestowing all the arts.

The four Vedas, books of universal knowledge, were her offspring. Her mount, the swan, personifies pure knowledge and her herald, the peacock, is a symbol of the arts.

Schools and libraries are her temples; books, pens, all tools of the artist and musical instruments are the items used in puja to the enlightening goddess of wisdom.

Here is a list of the 15 most popular Saraswati mantras that are widely used by students to score high in exams. It is believed that students, who after working hard failed to succeed in exams and these mantras, have helped them to attain their goal.

1. Bija Mantra of Saraswati

Aing Saraswathye Namah

Meaning: Salutations to Goddess Saraswati

2. Vidya Saraswati Mantra for students: This sloka is found to improve memory, power, and concentration in studies.

Saraswati Namasthubhyam
Varade Kamarupini
Vidhyarambam Karishyami
Siddhir Bavathume Sadha

3. Saraswati Vandana

Yaa Kundendu tushaara haaradhavalaa,
Yaa shubhravastraavritha|
Yaa veenavara dandamanditakara,
aa shwetha padmaasana||
Yaa brahmaachyutha shankara
prabhritibhir Devaisadaa Vanditha|
Saa Maam Paatu Saraswatee
Bhagavatee Nihshesha jaadyaapahaa|

Meaning: May the Goddess Saraswati protect me. She is fair like the jasmine-colored moon, and whose pure white garland is like frosty dew drops. She is adorned in radiant white attire, on whose beautiful armrests the veena, and whose throne is a white lotus. She is surrounded and respected by the Gods. Please remove my weariness, sluggishness, and ignorance.

4. Maha Saraswati Mantra

Aing Mahasaraswatyai Namah

Meaning: Salutations to Goddess Maha Saraswati

5. Saraswati Mantra

Shuklaam Brahmvichaar
Saar Paramaadyaam Jagadvyaapineem Veennaa Pushtak
Dhaarinneebhamay Daam
Jaad Yaapandhkaaraapahaam
Haste Sfatik Maalikaam Vidhateem
Paramaasane Sansthitaam Vande Taam
Parameshwareem Bhagwateem Buddhi Pradaam Shaaradaam

Meaning: I plead to Goddess Saraswati who is fair in color, the first and foremost divine energy, who is present in the world in the form of knowledge, who wields a Veena, Vedas, Sfatik rosary in her hands and one of whose hands is raised in blessing. She is the one who is capable of eliminating ignorance and bestow intelligence.

6. Maha Saraswati Mantra: This simple mantra is mainly used by students to make learning easy.

Om Aim  Hrim
Kleem Maha Saraswati Devaya

It is believed that this mantra brings rapid growth to one’s spirituality.

View this stunning Sarawati statue

7. Saraswati Mantra to recite before study

Saraswathi Namasthubhyam,
Varadey Kaamarupinee
Vidhyarambham Karishyami,
Sidhir bhavathu mey sada

Meaning: O, Goddess Saraswati, my humble prostrations unto Thee. She is capable of fulfilling all my wishes. I request you to bestow thy blessings on me before I start my studies.

8. Saraswati Mantra for Success in Education and Career

Vageeshwaryae Vidmahe Vagwadeenyae
Dhimahe Tannah Saraswati Prachodayat

This mantra is also known as Gayathri of Saraswati

9. Saraswati Mantra

Saraswati Mahabhage
Vidye Kamalalochane
Vishwaroope Vishaalaakshi
Vidyam dehi namosthuthe

Meaning: Oh great Goddess Saraswati, the lotus-eyed personified knowledge. Oh, I request you to shower me with all the powers and glories of all knowledge that exists. She has large-eyes, taking the form of the whole universe.

10. Saraswati Mantra for Acquiring Knowledge

Vad Vad Vaagwaadinee Swaha

11. Saraswati Mantra for Enhancing Intelligence

Aing Hreeng Shreeng
Vaagdevyai Saraswatyai Namah

12. Saraswati Mantra for Wealth and Knowledge

Arham Mukha Kamal Vaasinee
Paapaatma Kshayam Kaari
Vad Vad Vaagwaadinee Saraswati
Aing Hreeng Namah Swaaha

13. Saraswati Ashtakshara Mantra: This mantra comprises of the 12 names of Goddess Saraswati and it is advised that all knowledge seekers should practice it, to gain high and pure knowledge.

Pratham Bharti naam l
Dwitaya tu Saraswati l
Trutiya Sharda Devi l
Chaturth Hansavahini l
Pancham Jagatikhayata l
Shasth Maheshwari tatha l
Saptham tu Kaumari l
Astham Bhramacharini l
Navam Vidhyadhatrini l Dasham Vardayini l
Ekadasham Rudraghanta l
Dwadasham Bhuneshwari l
Atani Dwadsho Naamami l
Y Patcchrnuyaadpi l
Nach Vidhna Bhav Taysa Mantra Siddhiker Tatha l

14. Mantra for Knowledge: Reciting this mantra will increase the mental capability and will considerably increase the knowledge gain.

Namo Bhagwati Saraswati Parmeshwari
Vaagvaadini Mam Vidhya Dehi Bhagwati
Bhans Vaahini Hans Samarudha Buddhi
Dehi Dehi Pragya Dehi Dehi
Vidhya Parmeshwari Saraswati Swaha

15. Mantra for illumination: This mantra is dedicated to Goddess Saraswati to illuminate the minds of knowledge seekers.

Arnah Saraswati Pracheyati Ketuna,
Dhiyo Vishwa Virajati

View all of our Mantras to Hindu Gods
Including English and Sanskrit Translations

10 Kali Mantras15 Saraswati Mantras4 Ganesha Mantras
6 Murugan Mantras8 Krishna Mantras7 Hanuman Mantras
3 Lakshmi Mantras8 Vishnu Mantras5 Shiva Mantras

8 Krishna Mantras, Hymns & Quotes for Lord Krishna

Shri Krishna as the name means – He is the one who is capable of attracting everyone. The name Krishna also means absolute truth. Lord Krishna is the eighth and most famous avatar of Lord Vishnu who is symbolized as the best example of truth, love, dharma, and courage.

One of the most widely revered and most popular of all Indian divinities is Krishna, worshiped as the eighth incarnation (avatar) of Vishnu. Lord Krishna became the focus of a large number of devotional cults, which over the centuries have produced a wealth of religious poetry, music, painting, and sculpture.

Krishna affirms life in his pranks, music, and lovemaking

The rich variety of legends associated with Krishna’s life led to an abundance of representation in painting and sculpture. The divine lover (the most common representation) is shown playing the flute, surrounded by adoring gopis.

Here, are some of the most popular mantras of Shri Krishna used by devotees all over the world.

1. Moola Mantra

Om Krishnaya Namaha

Meaning: Salutations to the Lord Krishna

2. Krishna Gayatri Mantra: This mantra brings in high energy for activities and success in the job.

Devkinandanaye Vidmahe
Vasudevaye Dhi-Mahi
Tan No Krishna Prachodayat

3. Sri Krishna Ashtakam

Vasudeva Sutham Devam Kamsa Chaanoora Mardhanam |
Devaki Paramaanandham Krishnam Vande’ Jagathgurum ||

Adhasee Pushpa Sankaasam Haara Noopura Sobhitham |
Rathna Kangana keyooram Krishnam Vandhe’ Jagathgurum ||

Kutilaalaka Samyuktham Poorna Chandra Nibhaananam |
Vilasath Kundala tharam Krishnam Vandhe’ Jagathgurum ||

Mandhara Gandha Samyuktham Chaaru-haasam Chathur-bhujam; |
Parhipinjaa Vasoodaangam Krishnam Vandhe’ Jagathgurum ||

Uthpulla Padma Patraksham Nilajimutha Sannibham. |
Yaadhavaanaam Sirorathnam Krishnam Vandhe’ Jagathgurum ||

Rukmini Ke’li Samyuktham, Peethambara Su Sobitham; |
Avaaptha Thulasi Gaandharam, Krishnam Vande Jagathgurum. ||

Gopikaanaam Kusathvanthva Kunkumaangitha Vakshasam |
Srinike’tham Maheshvaasam Krishnam Vandhe’ Jagathgurum ||

Srivatsaankam, Mahoraskam, Vana Maala Virayitham; |
Sanka Chakra Dharam, Devam, Krishnam Vande Jagathgurum. ||

Krishnaashtakam itham Punyam Praatha Ruththaaya Ya:pade’th|
Ko’ti Janma Krutham Papam Smaranaath Thasya Nachyathi. ||

4. 24 name Mantra of Lord Krishna

Shri Keshvay namah, Naraynay namah, Madhvay namah,
Govinday namah, Vishnve namah, Madhusudnay namah,
Trivikramay namah, Vamnay namah, Shridhray namah,
Hrshikeshay namah, Padhanabhay namah, Damodaray namah,
Sankrshnay namah, Vasudevay namah, Prdyumnay namah,
Aniruddhay namah, Purushottmay namah, Adhoxjay namah,
Narsinhay namah, Achyutay namah, Janardnay namah,
Upendray namah, Haraye namah, Shri Krishnay namah.

5. Shri Krishna Aarti

Aarti Yugal Kishor ki Kijai,
Radhe Tan Man dhan nyochhavar kijai.
Ravi shashi koti badan ki shobha,
Tahi nirakh mera man lobha.
Gaur Shyam mukh nirkhat rijhai,
Prabhu ko rup nayan bhar pijai.
Kanchan thar kapur ki bati,
Hari aye nirmal bhai chhati.
Phulan ki sej phulan ki mala,
Ratna sinhasan baithe Nandlala.
Mor mukut kar murli sohai,
Natwar vesh dekh manmohe.
Oddhe peet neel pat sari,
Kunj Bihari Girvardhari.
Shri Purshottam Girvar dhari,
arti karat sakal Brajanari.
Nandnandan Vnishabhanu Kishori,
Parmanand svami avichal jori.

6. Hare Krishna Maha-Mantra: It is a 16-word Vaishnava mantra, the most famous mantra of Lord Krishna, which first appeared in the Kali-Santarana Upanishad.

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna,
Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama,
Rama Rama, Hare Hare

View this stunning Radha Krishna Statue

7. Shree Radha Krishna Stuti

Kararavinde Na Padaravindam
Mukharavinde Viniveshayantam
Vatasya Patrasya Pute Shayanam
Balam Mukundam Manasa Smarami

Meaning: I memorize the Lord in his infant form (Mukunda), who sleeps in a Banyan leaf. He is the one who puts his lotus life feet to His mouth, with the help of His hands.

Achyutam Keshavam Rama Narayanam
Krishna Daamodaram Vasudevam Harim
Shridharam Maadhavam Raamachandram Bhaje
Jaanki Naayakam Raamachandram Bhaje

Meaning: I sing the praise of Ramachandra, Who is known as Achyuta (infallible), Keshav, Raam, Narayan, Krishna, Damodara, Vasudeva, Hari, Shridhara (possessing Lakshmi), Madhava, Gopikavallabha (Dearest of Gopika), and Janakinayaka (Lord of Janaki or Sita).

Achyutam Keshavam Satyabhaa Maadhavam
Maadhavam Shridaram Radhika Radhikam
Indira Mandriram Chetasaa Sundaram
Devaki Nandanam Nandanam Sandadhe

Meaning: I memorize the Lord in his infant form (Mukunda), who sleeps in a Banyan leaf. He is the one who puts his lotus life feet to His mouth, with the help of His hands.

Tapta-Kanchana-Gaurangi Radhe
Vrindavaneshvari  Vrishabhanu-Sute Devi
Pranamami Hari-Priye

Meaning: I offer my respect to Shri Radha rani, who has a molten gold complexion. O Goddess, You are the queen of Vrindavana, the daughter of King Vrishabhanu, and are very dear to Lord Krishna.

Goloka-Vasini Gopi
Gopisha Gopa-Matrika
Sananda Paramananda

Meaning: Radha rani is a resident of Goloka, known as Vrindavan, and is a cowherd damsel. She is the queen of the gopis and the divine mother of the cowherd boys. She is joyful and always experiencing the highest bliss. She incites strong desires in the heart of the son of Nanda (Lord Krishna).

8. Sree Krishna Stuthi – Sandhyanaamam: This stuti is written by the famous devotee Poothanam, praising Lord Krishna.

Anjana Sreedhara Charumoorthe Krishna
 Anjali Koopi Vanangidunnen
 Aananda Alangara Vaasudeva Krishna
 Aathangam Ellam Akattidene
Indiranadha Jagannivasa Krishna,
Innende Munnil Vilangidene
Erezhulaginum Ekanaadha Krishna,
Eeranju Dikkum Niranja Roopa
Unni Gopala Kamalanethra Krishna,
 Ullil Nee Vannu Vilangidene
Oozhiyil Vannu Piranna Naadha Krishna,
Oonam Koodathe Thunachidene
Ennulilulloru Taapamellam Krishna,
Ennunikanna Shamipickene
Edalalar Banannu Thulyamurthe Krishna,
Ereeyamodhena Kaithozhunnen
Aithikamaakum Sukhathilaho Krishna
 Ayyo Enikkoru Mohamille
Ottalla Kauthugamantharange Krishna
Omalthirumeni Bhangikaanaan
Odakkuzhalvili Melamode Krishna,
Odivarigende Gopabaala
Oudharyakomala Kelisheela Krishna,
Oupamyamilla Gunangalkethum 
Ambujalochana Ninpaada Pankajam,
Ambodu Njaanidaa Koombidunnen
Athyanda Sundara Nandasuno Krishna,
Atthal Kalanjenne Paalikkene 
Krishna Mukilvarna, Vrushnee Kuleshwara,
Krishnambujekshana Kaithozhunnen
Krishna Hare Jaya, Krishna Hare Jaya, Krishna Hare Jaya, Krishna Hare…

Meaning: I salute you, pretty Krishna, who is black and who carries Lakshmi with folded hands. 
Hey happy Krishna, who is decorated. He is also known as Vasudeva,
Be pleased to take away all my sorrows.

Hey Krishna who presides all over the universe and who is the consort of Lakshmi,
Please appear before me,
Hey Krishna who is the only lord of fourteen worlds,
You are the one, who fills all the ten directions fully,

Oh lotus-eyed Krishna, who is the baby cowherd,
Be pleased to come and live inside me,
Oh Krishna, who has taken birth on this earth,
Please help me to live without any problems.

Oh Krishna, you should put out the raging,
Problems of my heart, oh my baby Krishna,
Oh Krishna who is equal to the formidable Banasura,
I salute you with the greatest happiness.

Oh Krishna I do not have any desire,
And alas I do not have any desire,
And Oh Krishna the curiosity within me is great,
To see the beauty of your body, Oh Krishna

Oh Krishna, along with the music of your flute with drum beats,
Oh Lad of the cowherds, please come running to me,
Oh pretty and charitable Krishna, who is playful,
There is no comparison at all for your qualities.

I salute your lotus-like feet with love for you,
Oh Lord with lotus-like eyes,
Oh most pretty one, Ok Krishna, oh son of Nanda,
Please drive away my problems and take care of me.

Oh cloud colored Krishna, Oh star of the clan of Vrushnees,
Oh Krishna with lotus-like eyes, I salute you,
Victory to Krishna who is hari, Victory to Krishna who is Hari,
Victory to Krishna, who is Hari

View all of our Mantras to Hindu Gods
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10 Kali Mantras15 Saraswati Mantras4 Ganesha Mantras
6 Murugan Mantras8 Krishna Mantras7 Hanuman Mantras
3 Lakshmi Mantras8 Vishnu Mantras5 Shiva Mantras

5 Surya Mantras and Surya Namaskaram for Pleasing the Sun God

In Astrology, the Sun, represents our conscious mind and in Hinduism, the Sun God worship considered very sacred. “Surya Namaskaram” is a special bowing method to express salutation to the Sun God (Surya Deva).

 Surya is depicted as a red man with three eyes and four arms, riding in a chariot drawn by seven mares. Surya holds water lilies with two of his hands. With his third hand he encourages his worshipers whom he blesses with his fourth hand. In India,

Surya is believed to be a benevolent deity capable of healing sick people. Even today, people place the symbol of the Sun over shops because they think it would bring good fortune.

One can find many temples, all over India, dedicated to the worship of Surya. He is worshipped in the early hours of dawn, especially on Hindu festivals such as Makar Sankranti, Ratha Saptami, Chhath, and Samba Dashami. 

Surya Namaskaram and mantras to chant, while doing the Sun Salutation sequence are as follows:

a. Sun Salutation Pose: Pranamasana (Prayer pose)
Sun Salutation Mantra: Om Mitraaya Namaha
Meaning: Who is friendly to all

b. Sun Salutation Pose: Hastauttanasana (Raised arms pose)
Sun Salutation Mantra: Om Ravaye Namaha
Meaning: The radiant one

c. Sun Salutation Pose: Hasta Padasana (Hand to foot pose)
Sun Salutation Mantra: Om Suryaya Namaha
Meaning: Who is the dispeller of darkness and responsible for bringing activity

d. Sun Salutation Pose: Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)
Sun Salutation Mantra: Om Bhaanave Namaha
Meaning: One who illumines

e. Sun Salutation Pose: Dandasana (Stick pose)
Sun Salutation Mantra: Om Khagaya Namaha
Meaning: Who is all-pervading, one who moves through the sky

f. Sun Salutation Pose: Ashtanga Namaskara (Salute with eight parts or points)
Sun Salutation Mantra: Om Pooshne Namaha
Meaning: Giver of nourishment and fulfillment

g. Sun Salutation Pose: Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
Sun Salutation Mantra: Om Hiranyagarbhaaya Namaha
Meaning: Who has golden color brilliance

h. Sun Salutation Pose: Parvatasana (Mountain pose)
Sun Salutation Mantra: Om Mareechaye Namaha
Meaning: The giver of light with infinite number of rays

i. Sun Salutation Pose: Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)
Sun Salutation Mantra: Om Aadityaaya Namaha
Meaning: The son of Aditi – the cosmic divine Mother

j. Sun Salutation Pose: Hasta Padasana (Hand to foot pose)
Sun Salutation Mantra: Om Savitre Namaha
Meaning: One who is responsible for life

k. Sun Salutation Pose: Hastauttanasana (Raised arms pose)
Sun Salutation Mantra: Om Aarkaaya Namaha
Meaning: Worthy of praise and glory

l. Sun Salutation Pose: Tadasana
Sun Salutation Mantra: Om Bhaaskaraya Namaha
Meaning: Giver of wisdom and cosmic illumination

Here are some of the most popular mantras to gain blessings from the Sun God

1.Aditya Gayatri Mantra – This mantra will help to improve your situation.

Om Bhaskaraya Vidhmahe
Diva karaya Dheemahe
Thanno Surya Prachodayath

Meaning: Om, Let me meditate on the Sun God, Oh, maker of the day, give me higher intellect, And let Sun God illuminate my mind.

2. Surya Mantra to relieve you from headache- This mantra is believed to provide comfort for those persons, who are suffering from the intense pain of a headache. Lie down in a comfortable place and concentrate your mind on the place where you feel the pain and chant this simple mantra for 10 minutes.

Om Karyaaya Namah

3. Aditya Hrudayam Mantra- This mantra can be used to thank Surya Dev, if you cannot find enough time to practice “Surya Namaskaram”.

Aadhitya Hrudhaya Punyam
Sarva Sathru Vinaasanam
Jayaavaham Jabe nithyam
Akshayam Paramam Shivam

4. Lord Surya Mantra

Namah Suryaya Shantaya Sarvaroga Nivaarine
Ayu rarogya maisvairyam dehi devah jagatpate

Meaning:  O! Lord Surya, ruler of the universe, you are the remover of all diseases, the repository of peace. I bow to you and please bless your devotees with long life, health, and wealth.

5. Aditya Hrudhayam:  This mantra appears in Ramayana and was dictated by Sage Agasthiya to Lord Rama in the battlefield. The word ‘Hridaya’ means that which is especially nourishing and healing for the heart or heart of Aditya. The word hridayam refers to the One who is shining or dwelling in the heart. Aditya is derived from “ad” meaning “to enjoy” or to perceive all sense objects like sound, touch, form, taste, and smell, after entering the heart.

1. Thatho yuddha parishraantam samare chintayaa sthitam
Raavanam chaagrato drishtvaa yuddhaaya samupasthitam

2. Daivataishcha samaagamya drashtu mabhyaagato ranam
Upaagamyaabraveed raamam agastyo bhagavaan rishihee

3. Raama Raama mahaa baaho shrunu guhyam sanaatanam
Yena sarvaanareen vatsa samare vijayishyasi

4. Aaditya Hridayam punyam sarva shatru vinaashanam
Jayaavaham japennityam akshayyam paramam shivam

5. Sarva mangala maangalyam sarva paapa pranaashanam
Chintaa shoka prashamanam ayur vardhanamuttamam

6. Rashmi mantam samudyantam devaasura namaskritam
Poojayasva vivasvantam bhaaskaram bhuvaneshvaram

7. Sarva devaatmako hyeshaha tejasvee rashmi bhaavanaha
Esha devaasura ganaan lokaan paati gabhastibhih

8. Esha brahmaa cha vishnuscha shivah skandah prajaapatih
Mahendro dhanadah kaalo yamassomo hyappam patih

9. Pitaro vasavassaadhyaa hyashvinou maruto manuh
Vaayur vahnih prajaah praana ritukartaa prabhaakaraha

10. Aadityassavitaa sooryah khagah pooshaa gabhastimaan
Suvarna sadrisho bhaanur hiranyaretaa divaakaraha

11. Haridashwah sahasraarchih sapta saptir mareechimaan
Tmironmathanah shambhuh stvashtaa maartanda amshumaan

12. Hiranya garbhah shishirah tapano bhaaskaro ravih
Agni garbhoditeh putrah shankhah shishira naashanah

13. Vyoma naathah stamo bhedee rig yajussaama paaragah
Ghana vrishti rapaam mitro vindhya veethee plavagamah

14. Aatapee mandalee mrityuh pingalah sarva taapanah
Kavir vishwo mahaa tejaa raktassarva bhavod bhavah

15. Nakshatra graha taaraanaam adhipo vishva bhaavanah
Tejasaamapi tejasvee dvaadashaatman namostute

16. Namah poorvaaya giraye paschimaayaadraye namah
Jyotirganaanaam pataye dinaadhipataye namaha

17. Jayaaya jaya bhadraaya haryashvaaya namo namaha
Namo namah sahasraamsho aadityaaya namo namaha

18. Nama ugraaya veeraaya saarangaaya namo namaha
Namah padma prabodhaaya maartaandaaya namo namaha

19. Brahmeshaanaachyuteshaaya sooryaayaaditya varchase
Bhaasvate sarva bhakshaaya roudraaya vapushe namah

20. Tamoghnaaya himaghnaaya shatrughnaaya mitaatmane
Kritaghaghnaaya devaaya jyotishaam pataye namaha

21. Tapta chaameekaraabhaaya vahnaye vishwa karmane
Namastamobhi nighnaaya ruchaye loka saakshine

22. Naashayatyesha vai bhootam tadeva srijati prabhuh
Paayatyesha tapatyesha varshatyesha gabhastibhih

23. Esha supteshu jaagarti bhooteshu pari nishthitah
Esha chaivaagni hotrancha phalam chivaagni hotrinaam

24. Vedaashcha kratavashchaiva kratoonaam phalameva cha
Yaani krityaani lokeshu sarva esha ravih prabhuh

25. Enam aapatsu krichchreshu kaantaareshu bhayeshu cha
Keertayan purushah kashchin naavaseedati raaghava

26. Poojayasvaina mekaagro deva devam jagatpatim
Etat trigunitam japtvaa yuddheshu vijayishyasi

27. Asmin kshane mahaa baaho raavanam tvam vadhishyasi
Evamuktvaa tadaagastyo jagaama cha yathaagatam

28. Etachchrutvaa mahaa tejaa nashta shoko bhavattadaa
Dhaarayaamaasa supreeto raghavah prayataatmavaan

29. Aadityam prekshya japtvaa tu param harshamavaaptavaan
Triraachamya shuchir bhootvaa dhanu raadaaya veeryavaan

30. Raavanam prekshya hirshtaatmaa yuddhaaya samupaagamatu
Sarva yatnena mahataa vadhe tasya dhrito bhavatu

Atha ravi ravadannirikshya raamam
mudita manaah paramam prahrishyamaanah
Nishi chara pati samkshayam viditvaa
suragana madhyagato vachastvareti

View All Our Mantras to Hindu Gods
including English and Sanskrit translations

10 Kali Mantras15 Saraswati Mantras4 Ganesha Mantras
6 Murugan Mantras8 Krishna Mantras7 Hanuman Mantras
3 Lakshmi Mantras8 Vishnu Mantras5 Shiva Mantras

3 Lakshmi Mantras, Quotes & Hymns to Please the Goddess Lakshmi

“Beautiful goddess seated on a chariot, delighted by songs on lustful elephants, bedecked with lotuses, pearls and gems, lustrous as fire, radiant as gold, resplendent as the sun, calm as the moon, mistress of cows and horses – take away poverty and misfortune, bring joy, riches, harvest and children.”

According to Hindu beliefs the Hindu Goddess Lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth, fortune, luxury, power, prosperity, generosity and embodiment of beauty.  She is also the consort of Lord Vishnu and is believed to give strength to the Lord himself. Goddess Lakshmi is believed to relieve all her devotees from all sorrows related to money. Padma, Padma Priya, Padmamaladhara devi, Kamala, Padmamukhi, Padmakshi, Jalaja, Madhavi, Padmahasta, Padmasundari, Kalyani, Vishnupriya, Ulkavahini and Vaishnavi are some of the names in which She is worshiped. She is also known as Jaganmaatha (“Mother of the Universe”).

You can find an innumerable number of slokas in praise of Goddess Lakshmi. Here, are some of them:

1.Beetja Mantra


It is believed that the continuous chanting of this mantra will bring gain and prosperity in life.

2. The mantra that includes 9 names of Mahalakshmi:

Om Mahalakshmi Namahae
Om Gaja Lakshmi Namahae
Om Jaya Lakshmi Namahae
Om Thana Lakshmi Namahae
Om Santana Lakshmi Namahae
Om Seetha Lakshmi Namahae
Om Thaireya Lakshmi Namahae
Om Thannya Lakshmi Namahae
Om Vidya Lakshmi Namahae
Om Maha Vishu Mahalakshmi Namahae

Chanting this mantra will bring youth, beauty, happiness and riches to you, which will make a great difference in life.

3. Shri Dakshina Lakshmi Stotram

Trilokya Poojithe Dhevee Kamala Vishnu vallabhe
Yaya Thawam Achalaa Krishne Thathaa-bhava Mayee Sthiraa
Kamala Chanchala Lakshmi Chalaa Bhoothir Hari Priya
Padma Padmalayaa Samyak Uchai Shri Padma-dharini
Dwada-saithani Naamani Lakshmi Sampoojya Ya Padeth
Sthiraa Lakshmir Bhaved Thasya Puthra-dhara Abhi-saha
Ithi Shri Dakshina Lakshmi Stotram Sampoornam

Meaning: Oh Goddess you are the one who is worshiped in all the three worlds,
Oh Kamala, Oh Consort of Lord Vishnu,
Oh Consort of Krishna, If only you are stable,
And abide by me forever.
Oh Kamala, Oh unstable one, Oh Lakshmi,
Oh Goddess who moves everything, Oh Goddess of prosperity,
Oh Darling of Hari, Oh Padma, Oh goddess who lives in lotus,
Oh Goddess who is pleasant, Oh Goddess who is exalted,
Oh Goddess of wealth, Oh Goddess who holds a lotus.

If these twelve names of Lakshmi are read and worshipped,
Lakshmi would be stable and he (who chants) would be with wife and son.
Thus ends the Dakshina Lakshmi Stotram.

View this stunning Brass Gaja Elephant Lakshmi Statue

The following mantras are believed to bring good fortune, prosperity, and harmony to the life of the devotees who recite them.

A. Mahalakshmi mantra

Shring Hring Kleeng Mahalakshmi Namah

B. Maha Lakshmi Mantra

Om Sri Maha Lakshmyai Namah

C. Goddess Laxmi Mantra Siddhi Japa

Om Shreem Heem Shreem Kamle Kamalalaye
Praseed Praseed,
Shreem Heem Shreem Om Mahalaxmi

D. Goddess Mahalakshmi Gayatri:

Om MahaDevyaicha Vidhmahe
Vishnu Patnyaicha Dheemahi
Thanno Lakshmi Prachotayaath

E: Lakshmi Mantra to bring fortune and prosperity to enterprises

Om Shring Hring Kling
Tribhuvan Mahalakshmyai Asmaakam
Daaridray Naashay Prachur Dhan
Dehi Dehi Kling Hring Shring Om
Om Shring Hring Kling
Aing Saung Om Hring
Ka A Ee La Hring Ha Sa Ka Ha La
Hring Sakal Hring Saung Aing Kling Hring Shring Om
Om Hring Shring Kreeng
Shring Kreeng Kling Shring Mahaalakshmi
Mam Grihe Dhanam Pooray Pooray
Chintaayai Dooray Dooray Swaha
Om Sarvabaadhaa Vinirmukto,
 Dhan Dhaanyah Sutaanvitah
Manushyo Matprasaaden Bhavishyati
 Na Sanshayah Om

F. Shri Lakshmi Astothra : Sadha Naamavali

Aum Prakruthyai Namah
Aum Vikruthyai Namah
Aum Vidyaayai Namah
Aum Sarvabhoothahithapradayai Namah
Aum Shraddhayai Namah
Aum Vibhuthyai Namah
Aum Surabhyai Namah
Aum Paramatmikaayai Namah
Aum Vache Namah
Aum Padmalayaayai Namah
Aum Padmaayai Namah
Aum Shuchaye Namah
Aum Swahaayai Namah
Aum Swadhaayai Namah
Aum Sudhaayai Namah
Aum Dhanyaayai Namah
Aum Hiranmaiyai Namah
Aum Lakshmaiyai Namah
Aum Nityapushtayai Namah
Aum Vibhavaryai Namah
Aum Adhithyai Namah

Aum Dheethyai Namah
Aum Deepthaayai Namah
Aum Vasudhaayai Namah
Aum Vasudhaarinyai Namah
Aum Kamalaayai Namah
Aum Kaanthayai Namah
Aum Kaamakshyai Namah
Aum Kamala sambhavaayai Namah
Aum Anugrahapradhaayai Namah
Aum Buddhaiyai Namah
Aum Anaghaayai Namah
Aum Harivallabhaayai Namah
Aum Ashokaayai Namah
Aum Amruthaayai Namah
Aum Deepaayai Namah
Aum Lokashoka vinashinyai Namah
Aum Dharmanilayaayai Namah
Aum Karunaayai Namah
Aum Lokamatre Namah
Aum Padmapriyaayai Namah
Aum Padmahasthaayai Namah
Aum Padmakshyai Namah
Aum Padmasundariyai Namah
Aum Padmodbhavaayai Namah
Aum Padmamukhyai Namah
Aum Padmanabha priyaayai Namah

Aum Ramaayai Namah
Aum Padmamalaadharaayai Namah
Aum Deviyai Namah
Aum Padminiyai Namah
Aum Padmagandhinyai Namah
Aum Punyagandhaayai Namah
Aum Suprasannaayai Namah
Aum Prasadabhi mukhyai Namah
Aum Prabhaayai Namah
Aum Chandravadhanaayai Namah
Aum Chandraayai Namah
Aum Chandrasahodharyai Namah
Aum Chaturbhujaayai Namah
Aum Chandrarupaayai Namah
Aum Indiraayai Namah
Aum Indhu sheethalaayai Namah
Aum Ahlaadha jananvaya Namah
Aum Pushtyai Namah
Aum Shivaayai Namah
Aum Shivakariyai Namah
Aum Satyaayai Namah
Aum Vimalaayai Namah
Aum Vishwajananyai Namah
Aum Dhustyai Namah
Aum Dharidriya naashinyai Namah
Aum Preethi Pushkarinyai Namah

Aum Shanathayai Namah
Aum Shuklamaalyaambharaayai Namah
Aum Bhaskaryai Namah
Aum Bilva nilayaayai Namah
Aum Vararohaayai Namah
Aum Yashaswinyai Namah
Aum Vasundharaayai Namah
Aum Udhaarangaayai Namah
Aum Harinyai Namah
Aum Hemamalinyai Namah
Aum Dhana dhanyakaryai Namah
Aum Siddhayai Namah
Aum Sthraina Soumyaayai Namah
Aum Shubhapradaayai Namah
Aum Nrubavema gathanandhayai Namah
Aum Varalakshmaiyai Namah
Aum Vasupradhaayai Namah
Aum Shubhaayai Namah
Aum Hiranya praakaaraayai Namah
Aum Samudhra dhanaayayai Namah
Aum Jayaayai Namah
Aum Mangalaayai Namah
Aum Vishnuvakshah Sthalasdhithaayai Namah
Aum Vishnupathnyai Namah
Aum Prasannaakshyai Namah
Aum Narayana Samashrithayai Namah

Aum Dharidriya Dhwamsinyai Namah
Aum Devlakshmi Namah
Aum Sarva padhrava nivaarinyai Namah
Aum Navadurgaayai Namah
Aum Mahakaalyai Namah
Aum Brahma-Vishnu-Shivathmikaayai Namah
Aum Thrikaalagyanasampannaayai Namah
Aum Bhuvaneshwaryai Namah
Aum MahaaLakshmi Astothra sadha Namah

View All Our Mantras to Hindu Gods
including English and Sanskrit translations

10 Kali Mantras15 Saraswati Mantras4 Ganesha Mantras
6 Murugan Mantras8 Krishna Mantras7 Hanuman Mantras
3 Lakshmi Mantras8 Vishnu Mantras5 Shiva Mantras
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