5 Shiva Mantras, Chants, Shivarathri Hymn, Shiva Worship

Maha Shivarathri is the most auspicious of festivals dedicated to the Hindu God Shiva.  Here are 5 Shiva Mantras to help you celebrate Lord Shiva!  It is believed that on this day Lord Shiva appeared to the world in the form of a pillar of light, or Jyotirlinga. Lord Shiva, the primordial teacher, is believed to be easily pleased; thus, any worship offered to him – regardless of its simplicity or grandeur – is thought to bring about great merit. All across India, and in many Hindu communities around the world, nightlong vigils are observed in honor of Lord Shiva. Devotees offer abhisheka, or a ritual bath, to bronze and stone sculptures of Lord Shiva in his many forms. Among the most popular of the forms that receive worship on this day are the Shiva Linga, Lord Dakshinamurthy, Lord Bhairava, and Lord Somaskanda.

Since Shiva is easily pleased, offering milk, water, leaves, flowers, clothes, fruits, or even an oil lamp is commendable. Simply meditating upon the form of Shiva with a pure mind and utmost devotion is considered the highest form of worship. The sage Adi Shankara wrote Shiva Manasa Puja as an affirmation of this notion. In this beautifully composed hymn, Shankara performs the Puja of Lord Shiva with vivid and devout imagination. Reciting this hymn on the night of Maha Shivarathri is the best way to begin or end the night’s festivities!


“Ratnaiḥ kalpitamāsanaṃ himajalaiḥ snānaṃ ca divyāmbaraṃ
nānāratna vibhūṣitaṃ mṛgamadā modāṅkitaṃ candanam
jātī campaka bilvapatra racitaṃ puṣpaṃ ca dhūpaṃ tathā
dīpaṃ deva dayānidhe paśupate hṛtkalpitaṃ gṛhyatām”

Oh ocean of compassion! Oh lord of those bound by the noose!
I imagine a throne made of precious gemstones to seat you, cool water trickling from the Himalayas to bathe you, divine clothed embroidered with various jewels to adorn you, flowers composed of jasmine, champak, and Bilva leaves, divine incense, and a bright oil lamp.
Oh Lord, please accept these offerings which I imagine in my heart for you!


“Sauvarṇe navaratnakhaṇḍa racite pātre ghṛtaṃ pāyasaṃ
bhakṣyaṃ pañcavidhaṃ payodadhiyutaṃ rambhāphalaṃ pānakam
śākānāmayutaṃ jalaṃ rucikaraṃ karpūra khaṇḍojjcalaṃ
tāmbūlaṃ manasā mayā viracitaṃ bhaktyā prabho svīkuru

Meaning: Rice pudding and ghee in a golden bowl studded with the nine precious gems, five dishes prepared with milk and curd, plantains, juice, tasty water infused with herbs, and the aromatic betel leaf. These I have prepared in my mind with utmost devotion. Please accept them oh Lord!


“Chatraṃ cāmarayoryugaṃ vyajanakaṃ cādarśakaṃ nirmalaṃ
vīṇā bheri mṛdaṅga kāhalakalā gītaṃ ca nṛtyaṃ tathā
sāṣṭāṅgaṃ praṇatiḥ stuti-rbahuvidhā-hyetat-samastaṃ mayā
saṅkalpena samarpitaṃ tava vibho pūjāṃ gṛhāṇa prabho

Meaning: I offer a splendid umbrella to shade you, fly whisks and a fan to cool you, a spotless mirror to see you, music from the vīṇā, bheri, and mṛdaṅga to please you, sweet songs and dances to entertain you, a full prostration to respect you, and abundant forms of hyms to praise you. Please accept my puja oh Lord!

Worship of Shiva Linga


ātmā tvaṃ girijā matiḥ sahacarāḥ prāṇāḥ śarīraṃ gṛhaṃ
pūjā te viṣayopabhoga-racanā nidrā samādhisthitiḥ
sañcāraḥ padayoḥ pradakṣiṇavidhiḥ stotrāṇi sarvā giro
yadyatkarma karomi tattadakhilaṃ śambho tavārādhanam”

Meaning: You are my soul, Parvathi is my intellect, your attendants are my five vital breaths, my body is your abode. My involvement in the world is nothing but worship unto you. My roaming feet are constantly in the divine act of walking around you, all my speech is in praise to you. All the work I do is a form of worship to you, oh Lord!


kara caraṇa kṛtaṃ vākkāyajaṃ karmajaṃ vā
śravaṇa nayanajaṃ vā mānasaṃ vāparādham
vihitamavihitaṃ vā sarvametat-kṣamasva
jaya jaya karuṇābdhe śrī mahādeva śambho

Meaning: Whatever may be the sins I have committed with my hands and feet, those sins born of my hands and body, or the sins arising from my work. Whatever may be the sins born of my ears and eyes, or of my mind, or those sins arising from my doing what has been prescribed and not prescribed. Please forgive all of these sins, oh Lord. Victory unto you, oh ocean of compassion, the greatest and most auspicious of gods!

View All Our Mantras to Hindu Gods
including English and Sanskrit translations

10 Kali Mantras15 Saraswati Mantras4 Ganesha Mantras
6 Murugan Mantras8 Krishna Mantras7 Hanuman Mantras
3 Lakshmi Mantras8 Vishnu Mantras5 Shiva Mantras

3 Lakshmi Mantras, Quotes & Hymns to Please the Goddess Lakshmi

“Beautiful goddess seated on a chariot, delighted by songs on lustful elephants, bedecked with lotuses, pearls and gems, lustrous as fire, radiant as gold, resplendent as the sun, calm as the moon, mistress of cows and horses – take away poverty and misfortune, bring joy, riches, harvest and children.”

According to Hindu beliefs the Hindu Goddess Lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth, fortune, luxury, power, prosperity, generosity and embodiment of beauty.  She is also the consort of Lord Vishnu and is believed to give strength to the Lord himself. Goddess Lakshmi is believed to relieve all her devotees from all sorrows related to money. Padma, Padma Priya, Padmamaladhara devi, Kamala, Padmamukhi, Padmakshi, Jalaja, Madhavi, Padmahasta, Padmasundari, Kalyani, Vishnupriya, Ulkavahini and Vaishnavi are some of the names in which She is worshiped. She is also known as Jaganmaatha (“Mother of the Universe”).

You can find an innumerable number of slokas in praise of Goddess Lakshmi. Here, are some of them:

1.Beetja Mantra


It is believed that the continuous chanting of this mantra will bring gain and prosperity in life.

2. The mantra that includes 9 names of Mahalakshmi:

Om Mahalakshmi Namahae
Om Gaja Lakshmi Namahae
Om Jaya Lakshmi Namahae
Om Thana Lakshmi Namahae
Om Santana Lakshmi Namahae
Om Seetha Lakshmi Namahae
Om Thaireya Lakshmi Namahae
Om Thannya Lakshmi Namahae
Om Vidya Lakshmi Namahae
Om Maha Vishu Mahalakshmi Namahae

Chanting this mantra will bring youth, beauty, happiness and riches to you, which will make a great difference in life.

3. Shri Dakshina Lakshmi Stotram

Trilokya Poojithe Dhevee Kamala Vishnu vallabhe
Yaya Thawam Achalaa Krishne Thathaa-bhava Mayee Sthiraa
Kamala Chanchala Lakshmi Chalaa Bhoothir Hari Priya
Padma Padmalayaa Samyak Uchai Shri Padma-dharini
Dwada-saithani Naamani Lakshmi Sampoojya Ya Padeth
Sthiraa Lakshmir Bhaved Thasya Puthra-dhara Abhi-saha
Ithi Shri Dakshina Lakshmi Stotram Sampoornam

Meaning: Oh Goddess you are the one who is worshiped in all the three worlds,
Oh Kamala, Oh Consort of Lord Vishnu,
Oh Consort of Krishna, If only you are stable,
And abide by me forever.
Oh Kamala, Oh unstable one, Oh Lakshmi,
Oh Goddess who moves everything, Oh Goddess of prosperity,
Oh Darling of Hari, Oh Padma, Oh goddess who lives in lotus,
Oh Goddess who is pleasant, Oh Goddess who is exalted,
Oh Goddess of wealth, Oh Goddess who holds a lotus.

If these twelve names of Lakshmi are read and worshipped,
Lakshmi would be stable and he (who chants) would be with wife and son.
Thus ends the Dakshina Lakshmi Stotram.

View this stunning Brass Gaja Elephant Lakshmi Statue

The following mantras are believed to bring good fortune, prosperity, and harmony to the life of the devotees who recite them.

A. Mahalakshmi mantra

Shring Hring Kleeng Mahalakshmi Namah

B. Maha Lakshmi Mantra

Om Sri Maha Lakshmyai Namah

C. Goddess Laxmi Mantra Siddhi Japa

Om Shreem Heem Shreem Kamle Kamalalaye
Praseed Praseed,
Shreem Heem Shreem Om Mahalaxmi

D. Goddess Mahalakshmi Gayatri:

Om MahaDevyaicha Vidhmahe
Vishnu Patnyaicha Dheemahi
Thanno Lakshmi Prachotayaath

E: Lakshmi Mantra to bring fortune and prosperity to enterprises

Om Shring Hring Kling
Tribhuvan Mahalakshmyai Asmaakam
Daaridray Naashay Prachur Dhan
Dehi Dehi Kling Hring Shring Om
Om Shring Hring Kling
Aing Saung Om Hring
Ka A Ee La Hring Ha Sa Ka Ha La
Hring Sakal Hring Saung Aing Kling Hring Shring Om
Om Hring Shring Kreeng
Shring Kreeng Kling Shring Mahaalakshmi
Mam Grihe Dhanam Pooray Pooray
Chintaayai Dooray Dooray Swaha
Om Sarvabaadhaa Vinirmukto,
 Dhan Dhaanyah Sutaanvitah
Manushyo Matprasaaden Bhavishyati
 Na Sanshayah Om

F. Shri Lakshmi Astothra : Sadha Naamavali

Aum Prakruthyai Namah
Aum Vikruthyai Namah
Aum Vidyaayai Namah
Aum Sarvabhoothahithapradayai Namah
Aum Shraddhayai Namah
Aum Vibhuthyai Namah
Aum Surabhyai Namah
Aum Paramatmikaayai Namah
Aum Vache Namah
Aum Padmalayaayai Namah
Aum Padmaayai Namah
Aum Shuchaye Namah
Aum Swahaayai Namah
Aum Swadhaayai Namah
Aum Sudhaayai Namah
Aum Dhanyaayai Namah
Aum Hiranmaiyai Namah
Aum Lakshmaiyai Namah
Aum Nityapushtayai Namah
Aum Vibhavaryai Namah
Aum Adhithyai Namah

Aum Dheethyai Namah
Aum Deepthaayai Namah
Aum Vasudhaayai Namah
Aum Vasudhaarinyai Namah
Aum Kamalaayai Namah
Aum Kaanthayai Namah
Aum Kaamakshyai Namah
Aum Kamala sambhavaayai Namah
Aum Anugrahapradhaayai Namah
Aum Buddhaiyai Namah
Aum Anaghaayai Namah
Aum Harivallabhaayai Namah
Aum Ashokaayai Namah
Aum Amruthaayai Namah
Aum Deepaayai Namah
Aum Lokashoka vinashinyai Namah
Aum Dharmanilayaayai Namah
Aum Karunaayai Namah
Aum Lokamatre Namah
Aum Padmapriyaayai Namah
Aum Padmahasthaayai Namah
Aum Padmakshyai Namah
Aum Padmasundariyai Namah
Aum Padmodbhavaayai Namah
Aum Padmamukhyai Namah
Aum Padmanabha priyaayai Namah

Aum Ramaayai Namah
Aum Padmamalaadharaayai Namah
Aum Deviyai Namah
Aum Padminiyai Namah
Aum Padmagandhinyai Namah
Aum Punyagandhaayai Namah
Aum Suprasannaayai Namah
Aum Prasadabhi mukhyai Namah
Aum Prabhaayai Namah
Aum Chandravadhanaayai Namah
Aum Chandraayai Namah
Aum Chandrasahodharyai Namah
Aum Chaturbhujaayai Namah
Aum Chandrarupaayai Namah
Aum Indiraayai Namah
Aum Indhu sheethalaayai Namah
Aum Ahlaadha jananvaya Namah
Aum Pushtyai Namah
Aum Shivaayai Namah
Aum Shivakariyai Namah
Aum Satyaayai Namah
Aum Vimalaayai Namah
Aum Vishwajananyai Namah
Aum Dhustyai Namah
Aum Dharidriya naashinyai Namah
Aum Preethi Pushkarinyai Namah

Aum Shanathayai Namah
Aum Shuklamaalyaambharaayai Namah
Aum Bhaskaryai Namah
Aum Bilva nilayaayai Namah
Aum Vararohaayai Namah
Aum Yashaswinyai Namah
Aum Vasundharaayai Namah
Aum Udhaarangaayai Namah
Aum Harinyai Namah
Aum Hemamalinyai Namah
Aum Dhana dhanyakaryai Namah
Aum Siddhayai Namah
Aum Sthraina Soumyaayai Namah
Aum Shubhapradaayai Namah
Aum Nrubavema gathanandhayai Namah
Aum Varalakshmaiyai Namah
Aum Vasupradhaayai Namah
Aum Shubhaayai Namah
Aum Hiranya praakaaraayai Namah
Aum Samudhra dhanaayayai Namah
Aum Jayaayai Namah
Aum Mangalaayai Namah
Aum Vishnuvakshah Sthalasdhithaayai Namah
Aum Vishnupathnyai Namah
Aum Prasannaakshyai Namah
Aum Narayana Samashrithayai Namah

Aum Dharidriya Dhwamsinyai Namah
Aum Devlakshmi Namah
Aum Sarva padhrava nivaarinyai Namah
Aum Navadurgaayai Namah
Aum Mahakaalyai Namah
Aum Brahma-Vishnu-Shivathmikaayai Namah
Aum Thrikaalagyanasampannaayai Namah
Aum Bhuvaneshwaryai Namah
Aum MahaaLakshmi Astothra sadha Namah

View All Our Mantras to Hindu Gods
including English and Sanskrit translations

10 Kali Mantras15 Saraswati Mantras4 Ganesha Mantras
6 Murugan Mantras8 Krishna Mantras7 Hanuman Mantras
3 Lakshmi Mantras8 Vishnu Mantras5 Shiva Mantras

7 Hanuman Mantras for pleasing Lord Hanuman

Hindu God Lord Hanuman (The Monkey God) or Hanuman Ji is the greatest devotee of Lord Rama and plays a vital role in the Hindu epic Ramayana. He is the son of Vayu or Marut (The Wind God) and Anjani. Anjaneya, Anjani Putra, Hanumat, Bajarangabali, Hanuman, Mahaveer (the great hero), Maruti, Pavanputra (son of air) are some of His names used by devotees.

Hanuman, worshiped for his strength, knowledge, valor, divinity, agility, and considered as the symbol of devotion and dedication.

Some say Hanuman was born as the son of the King and Queen of the Monkeys. To others, he is the son of Anjana, an female Apsara who had been transformed into a monkey by a curse, and Vayu, the wind god. It is also said that from his father Vayu Hanuman received the ability to fly.

His devotees will fast on Saturdays and Thursdays, give offerings to him and chant the mantras to please Him so that He will do miracles in the life of the devotees.

Here, are some of the popular Mantras of Hanuman:

1. Hanuman Beeja Mantra

Aum Aeem
Bhreem Hanumate,
Shree Ram Dootaaya Namaha

Meaning: We plead to the Lord Hanuman, who is the greatest server and messenger of the Lord Shree Rama.

2. Hanuman Mantra – For Jobs, Promotions & Examinations

Thursday is considered to be the auspicious day to chant this mantra and it is widely used by students to pass the examinations as well as employees to get promotions.

Shree Vajradehaya
Ramabhakthaya Vayuputhraya

3. Hanuman Gayathri Mantra

It is believed that the energy that fills up your life by chanting this mantra will guard you against all dangers and strengthen you with courage and knowledge.

Om Anjaneyaya Vidmahe
Vayuputraya Dheemahi,
Tanno Hanuman Prachodayat

Meaning: We pray to the son of Goddess Anjani and the son of the “Wind”. May Lord Hanuman lead our intellect towards intelligence and “knowing”

4. Hanuman Mantra

This mantra praises Hanuman as the messenger of the Lord Rama, who is the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Hanuman can travel swiftly and is very intelligent. He is also described as the chief of the monkey army and the son of Vayu (Wind God).


Jitendriyam Buddhimataam


Sriramdootam Saranam

5. Mantra of Bhakta Hanuman

Amjanii-Garbha Sambhuuta
Kapii-[I]ndra Sacivo[a-U]ttama
Raama-Priya Namas-Tubhyam
Hanuman Rakssa Sarvadaa

Meaning: I bow to you, mighty Hanuman, Who was born from the Womb of Mother Anjani, and who is the most Excellent Minister of the King of Monkeys. He is extremely dear to Sri Rama; I Bow to You, O Hanuman, Please Protect me always.

View this Brass Panchamukhi Hanuman Statue

5. Hanuman Chalisa Mantra

Shrii-Guru Carann Saroja-Raja,
Nija-Mana-Mukura Sudhaara
Barannau Raghu-Bara Bimala Yasha,
Jo Daayaka Phala-Caara 

Meaning: I clean my mind with the help of the dust of the lotus like feet of Sri Gurudeva. I describe the Sacred Glory of Sri Rama Chandra, who bestows the Four Fruits of Life (Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha).

Buddhi-Hiina Tanu Jaanike,
Sumirau Pavan Kumaar
Bala Buddhi-Vidyaa Dehu Mohi,
Harahu Kalesha Vikaar 

Meaning: O Pavan Puthra, I meditate on you, please consider me as I am ignorant. Bestow on me Strength, Wisdom and Knowledge, and Remove my Afflictions and Blemishes.

Jay Hanumaan
Jnaan Gunn Saagar
Jai Kapiis
Tihu-Lok Ujaagar

Meaning: Victory to You, O Hanuman. You are the Ocean of Wisdom and Virtue. Victory to the king of the monkeys and the enlightener of the three Worlds.

Raama-Duut Atulit Bala-Dhaamaa
Anjani-Putra Pavan-Sut Naamaa

Meaning: O Lord, you are the Messenger of Sri Rama possessing incalculable Strength. You are known as Anjani-Putra (son of Anjani) and Pavana-Suta (son of Pavana, the wind-god).

Mahaa-biir Bikrama Bajarangii
Kumati Nivaar Sumati Ke Sangii

Meaning: O Lord, you are a great hero who is extremely valiant and have a strong body as that of a thunderbolt. You are the dispeller of evil thoughts and companion of Good Sense and Wisdom.

Kancan Barann Biraaj Subeshaa
Kaanan Kunddala Kuncita Keshaa

Meaning: You possess a Golden Hue, and you are Neatly Dressed, You wear Ear-Rings and have beautiful Curly Hair.

Haath Bajra Au Dhvajaa Biraajai
Kaandhe Muuj Janeuu Saajai

Meaning: You are the one who holds both the Thunderbolt and the Flag in your Hands. You also wear the Sacred Thread across your Shoulder.

Shankar-Suvan Kesharii-Nandan
Teja Prataap Mahaa Jag-Vandan

Meaning: O Lord, you are the incarnation of Lord Shiva and son of Kesari, who has been adored by the whole world because of your power and bravery.

Vidyaavaan Gunnii Ati Caatur
Raam Kaaj Karibe Ko Aatur

Meaning: You are the one who is extremely intelligent, virtuous, and scholar. You are always ready to serve Sri Ram

Prabhu Caritra Sunibe Ko Rasiyaa
Raamalassann Siitaa Man Basiyaa

Meaning: You are delighted when the glories of Sri Ram are played. You have Sri Rama, Sri Lakshmana, and Devi Sita Dwelling in your Heart.

Suukssma Ruupadhari Siyahi Dikhaavaa
Vikatt Ruup Dhari Lamka Jaraavaa

Meaning: In the Diminutive Form, you appeared before Sita Devi and you also assumed the awesome form to burn Lanka.

Bhiim Ruup Dhari Asur Samhaare
Raamacandra Ke Kaaj Samvaare

Meaning: Assuming the gigantic form, you destroyed the Demons of Lanka, thereby accomplishing the task bestowed on Him by Sri Ram.

Laal Deha Laaleel-Se,
Arudhari-Laal Langoor
Vajra Deha Daanava Dalan,
Jai Jai Jai Kapi-Soor

Meaning: We pray to the red-colored one, whose entire body is red, and is decorated with red-colored sindoor. We pray to the one draped with a red-colored loin-cloth. We pray to the one whose body is firm and strong like the vajra. We pray to the destroyer of demons. We bow in praise again and again to the supreme among Gods, Lord Hanuman.

7. Prayer for Hanuman

Manojavam Maruta Tulya Vegam,
Jitendriyam Buddhi Mataam Varishtham
Vaataatmajam Vaanara Yooth Mukhyam,
Shree Raama Dootam Sharnam Prapadye

Manojavam– Let I pray to the one who is swift as thought
Marut.tulya.vegam- the one who is more powerful than the wind
jitendriyam– the one who has conquered his senses
vaataatmajam– the one who is supreme among all intelligent beings, the son of the wind-god
vaanar.yooth.mukhyam– the commander of the army of forest creatures
Give me refuse, the messenger of Lord Rama, the incomparable Lord Hanuman. Please accept me and my prayers at your feet.

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10 Kali Mantras15 Saraswati Mantras4 Ganesha Mantras
6 Murugan Mantras8 Krishna Mantras7 Hanuman Mantras
3 Lakshmi Mantras8 Vishnu Mantras5 Shiva Mantras

15 Saraswati Mantras for Appeasing the Hindu Goddess

White makrana marble saraswati statue
View all our Saraswati statues

Here are 15 of the most popular Saraswati mantras that are widely used by students to score high in exams. It is believed that students, who after working hard failed to succeed in exams and these mantras, have helped them to attain their goal.

The Hindu Goddess Saraswati is known as the mother of Vedas and of knowledge, music, craft, wisdom, arts and auspiciousness. It is believed that appeasing Saraswati by chanting Saraswati mantras will remove all the obstacles that one will encounter during his or her career or education. Saraswati is known by different names, such as Vak Devi, the goddess of speech and Sakala Kaladhistatri, goddess bestowing all the arts.

1. Bija Mantra of Saraswati


Aing Saraswathye Namah


Meaning: Salutations to Goddess Saraswati

2. Vidya Saraswati Mantra for students: This sloka is found to improve memory, power and concentration in studies.

Saraswati Namasthubhyam

Varade Kamarupini

Vidhyarambam Karishyami

Siddhir Bavathume Sadha

3. Saraswati Vandana

Yaa Kundendu tushaara haaradhavalaa,

Yaa shubhravastraavritha

Yaa veenavara dandamanditakara,

aa shwetha padmaasana

Yaa brahmaachyutha shankara

prabhritibhir Devaisadaa Vanditha

Saa Maam Paatu Saraswatee

Bhagavatee Nihshesha jaadyaapahaa

Meaning: May the Goddess Saraswati protect me. She is fair like the jasmine-colored moon, and whose pure white garland is like frosty dew drops. She is adorned in radiant white attire, on whose beautiful arm rests the veena, and whose throne is a white lotus. She is surrounded and respected by the Gods. Please remove my weariness, sluggishness and ignorance.

4. Maha Saraswati Mantra


Aing Maha Saraswatyai Namah

Meaning: Salutations to Goddess Maha Saraswati

5. Saraswati Mantra

Shuklaam Brahmvichaar

Saar Paramaadyaam Jagadvyaapineem Veennaa Pushtak

Dhaarinneebhamay Daam

Jaad Yaapandhkaaraapahaam

Haste Sfatik Maalikaam Vidhateem

Paramaasane Sansthitaam Vande Taam

Parameshwareem Bhagwateem Buddhi Pradaam Shaaradaam.

Meaning: I plead to Goddess Saraswati who is fair in color, the first and foremost divine energy, who is present in the world in the form of knowledge, who wields a Veena, Vedas, Sfatik rosary in her hands and one of whose hands is raised in blessing. She is the one who is capable of eliminating ignorance and bestow intelligence.

6. Maha Saraswati Mantra: This simple mantra is mainly used by students to make learning easy.

Om Aim  Hrim

Kleem Maha Saraswati Devaya


7. Saraswati Mantra to recite before study

Saraswathi Namasthubhyam,

Varadey Kaamarupinee

Vidhyarambham Karishyami,

Sidhir bhavathu mey sada

Meaning: O, Goddess Saraswati, my humble prostrations unto Thee. She is capable of fulfilling all my wishes. I request you to bestow thy blessings on me, before I start my studies.

8. Saraswati Mantra for Success in Education and Career


Vageeshwaryae Vidmahe Vagwadeenyae

Dhimahe Tannah Saraswati Prachodayat

This mantra is also known as Gayathri of Saraswati

9. Saraswati Mantra

Saraswati Mahabhage

Vidye Kamalalochane

Vishwaroope Vishaalaakshi

Vidyam dehi namosthuthe

Meaning: Oh great Goddess Saraswati, the lotus-eyed personified knowledge. Oh, I request you to shower me with all the powers and glories of all knowledge that exist. She has large-eyes, taking the form of the whole universe.

10. Saraswati Mantra for Acquiring Knowledge

Vad Vad Vaagwaadinee Swaha

11. Saraswati Mantra for Enhancing Intelligence


Aing Hreeng Shreeng

Vaagdevyai Saraswatyai Namah

12. Saraswati Mantra for Wealth and Knowledge


Arham Mukha Kamal Vaasinee

Paapaatma Kshayam Kaari

Vad Vad Vaagwaadinee Saraswati

Aing Hreeng Namah Swaaha

13. Saraswati Ashtakshara Mantra: This mantra comprises of the 12 names of Goddess Saraswati and it is advised that all knowledge seekers should practice it, to gain high and pure knowledge.

Pratham Bharti naam

Dwitaya tu Saraswati

Trutiya Sharda Devi

Chaturth Hansavahini

Pancham Jagatikhayata

Shasth Maheshwari tatha

Saptham tu Kaumari

Astham Bhramacharini

Navam Vidhyadhatrini l Dasham Vardayini

Ekadasham Rudraghanta

Dwadasham Bhuneshwari

Atani Dwadsho Naamami

Y Patcchrnuyaadpi

Nach Vidhna Bhav Taysa Mantra Siddhiker Tatha

14. Mantra for Knowledge: Reciting this mantra will increase the mental capability and will considerably increase the knowledge gain.


Namo Bhagwati Saraswati Parmeshwari

Vaagvaadini Mam Vidhya Dehi Bhagwati

Bhans Vaahini Hans Samarudha Buddhi

Dehi Dehi Pragya Dehi Dehi

Vidhya Parmeshwari Saraswati Swaha

15. Mantra for illumination: This mantra is dedicated to Goddess Saraswati to illuminate the minds of knowledge seekers.


Arnah Saraswati Pracheyati Ketuna,

Dhiyo Vishwa Virajati

View All Our Mantras to Hindu Gods
including English and Sanskrit translations

10 Kali Mantras15 Saraswati Mantras3 Ganesha Mantras
6 Murugan Mantras
8 Krishna Mantras7 Hanuman Mantras
3 Lakshmi Mantras7 Vishnu Mantras5 Shiva Mantras

4 Ganesha Mantras, Hymns, Chants to Appease Lord Ganapati

The Hindu God Ganesha is considered to be the master of wisdom, guardian of knowledge and obstacle remover. All the devotees invoke prayers in favor of Ganesha to bring in positive energy to them and favorable results to their ventures. The Ganesha mantras are also known as Siddhi Mantras. Ganesha is known in different forms and by a number of names, and some of the names are Ganapati, Vignesha, Pillayar, Vinayak, Ekadenta, Lambodara, Gajanana.

Ganesh is usually depicted colored red; he is pot bellied, has one tusk broken, and has four arms that may hold a noose called a pasam, an elephant goad, and a pot of rice, or his favorite sweets, laddus. His appetite for these sweets is legendary and offerings of them are often left at his shrine.

Ganesh is also patron of letters and of learning; he is the legendary scribe who, using his commonly held broken tusk, wrote down parts of the Mahabharata Epic.

Here, are some of the most popular mantras of Lord Ganesha, which are used to please Him.

1. Ganesha Dwaadasha Nama shlokam:

This prayer mentions the 12 names of the Lord Ganesha. These verses are believed to be recited by Sage Narada in order to please Lord Ganesha.

“Pranamya Shirasa Devam
Gauriputram Vinaayakam
Bhakataavaas am Smare
Nityam Aayush Kaamartha Siddhaye”

Meaning: Salutations to the Lord, who is the son of Gowri, and He who resides deep in the heart of the devotees, blessing them always with good health and prosperity.

“Prathamam Vakratundam
ChaEkadantam Dwiteeyakam
Thriteeyam Krishna Pingaaksham
Gajavaktram Chaturthakam”

Meaning: This stanza marks the beginning of twelve names.
First as the Lord with the curved trunk;
Second as the one with only one tusk,
Third as the one with black (red/brown) eyes,
Fourth as the one with giant structure

Lambodaram Panchamaam
ChaShashtam Vikatameva
ChaSaptamam Vighnaraajendram
Dhoomravarnam Tathaashtamam

Meaning: Fifth, as the one with a big (long) stomach,
Sixth, as the one with a huge body,
Seven, as the remover of obstacles,
Eighth, as the one with smoke gray color

Navamam Phaalachandram
ChaDasamam Tu Vinaayakam
Ekaadasam Ganapatim
Dvaadasam Tu Gajaananam

Meaning: Ninth, as the one with the moon on the front of His head,
Tenth, as the foremost leader,
Eleventh, as the leader of the ganas,
Twelfth as the one with elephant face

Dvaadasaitaani Naamaani
Trisandhyam Yah Pathernnarah
Na Cha Vighna Bhayam
TasyaSarva Siddhikaram Prabho

If a person remembers these twelve names of the Lord Ganesha, three times in a day. Then he will have all his obstacles and fear removed and will attain success.

2. GanaNayaka Ashtakam:

This mantra contains eight verses or hymns for invoking Lord Ganesha.

Ekadantam Mahaakaayam
Taptakaajnchana sannibham
LambodaraM VishaalaaxaM
Vande Ham GaNanaayakam

Meaning: You are one tusked, have a huge, massive and a hot-golden colored body. You have a large pot like belly, beautiful eyes. I bow to you the leader of ganas (followers of Lord Shiva

Mounji Krishnajeenadharam
Bhalendu Sakalam Moulim
Vande Ham Gananayakam

Meaning: You are the one who is victorious and has the smoke-hued color body and who uses snake as a holy thread that is tied around the belly. The one who has a waxing moon on his head, I bow to you the leader of the ganas.

Chitraratna Vichitragam
Chitrmaalaa Vibhushitham
Kamarupadharam Devam
Vande Ham Gananayakam

Meaning: The one who makes a picture-perfect pose. He has a garland adorning around his neck and takes the form of Kama Roop. I bow to you the leader of ganas.

Gajavaktam SuraSreshtam
Karnachamara Bhushitham
Pasamkusadharam Devam
Vande Ham Gananayakam

Meaning: The one with an elephant face and still considered the best. He is beautifully adorned with karnchamra. He holds Pashan and Kusha, weapons used in war. I bow to the leader of the ganas.

Mushikootham maaruhya
Devasura Mahaahavey
Yooddukamam Mahaaveeram
Vande Ham Gananayakam

Meaning: He uses mooshika as his chariot, the one who is prayed by everyone and the one who is an exceptionally valiant. I bow to that Lord Ganesha.

Yaksha Kinnera Gandharva
Siddi Vidhyadharay Sadha
Stutyamanam MahaaBhaahum
Vande Ham Gananayakam

Meaning: The one to whom yaksha, kinnera and gandharva pray. He is the only one who has the vidya to acquire opulence, and whose prayers are sung by people. He who has strong arms, I bow to the leader of the ganas.

Ambika Hryudayanandham
Matrubhihi Pariveshtitham
BhaktaPriyam Madhoonmatham
Vande Ham Gananayakam

Meaning: He is the one who is dear to the mother, who is always ready to serve his mother anytime, who is dear to his devotees and who ends the wars; I bow to the leader of the ganas.

SarvaVignaharam Devam
SarvaVigna Vivarjetham
Sarvasiddi Pradhataaram
Vande Ham Gananayakam

Meaning: He is the Lord who can take care of all our problems, who weakens all the obstacles and problems that come our way to success and the one who gives all types of Siddhi. I bow to the leader of the ganas.

GanAshtakam Idham Punyam
Yah Pateth Satatham Narah
Siddyanthi Sarva kaaryaani
Vidhayaavan Dhanavaan Bhaveth

Meaning: This GanAshtakam gives the virtue to those who read it with devotion. This Ashtakam proves beneficial to those who read it, as it makes the person intelligent and wealthy.

Om gam ganapathi namaha

Meaning: Om –Salutations to the Lord.
Gam — the secret power sound of Ganesh and is known as His bija mantra.
Ganapathi — Another name of Ganesh
Namaha – I bow to you, my Lord.

View this brass Ganesh Statue

3. Bija Mantra

Aum shrim hrim klim
glaum gam ganapataye
vara varada sarva
janamme vashamanaya svaha

4. Ganesh Gayatri Mantra

Aum Ekadantaya Vidmahe Vakratundaya Dheemahi
Tanno Danti Prachodayat Aum sri kaala svaroopaaya Vidmahe
Kaalaatheethaaya Dheemahi
Thanno kaala yoga shodasa ganapathi prachodayath

Meaning: We devote our thoughts to the One Tusked Lord. We meditate upon Him who has a Curved trunk and May the tusked one guide us on the right path.

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