New Shipment of South Indian Bronze & North Indian Brass Just Arrived! June 17th, 2019

We have just received a new shipment of our hand made, panchaloha, lost wax method, bronze cast in South India as well as brass statues hand crafted in North India. Our stocks were getting low so we are so happy to have more statues to offer you!

They will be posted in the coming weeks and months as we slowly unpack them and post them on the website.

Here are the links to where they will be posted.

New Arrivals ~ we post new statues daily!

South Indian Bronze

Indian Brass

If you are searching for something specific please don’t hesitate to email me at kyle@ to ask me if we have it. We just may!

Below are some pictures of what we have so far:

Assorted Brass Statues
One 40 foot container filled with 169 boxes!
24 inch South Indian Bronze Kali!